I went out for a three mile run on Wednesday after a day of rest.
I was looking forward to this nice, short, easy run. I mean three miles? No big deal.
I was looking forward to the running ritual. I was excited to feel the cool wind against my face as the rhythm of my shoes hit the pavement, keeping time with my smooth, connected, effortless breathing. I planned on getting lost in blissful thought while my body moved into the comfortable ease of running.
This is what I was anticipating. Not what happened.
Within the first block from my apartment a sharp shooting pain exploded from my left knee. The rhythm of my running was interrupted by my uneven gasps of breath. After another couple minutes I am wondering which of my fifteen blisters is burning the most in my right foot. I have a headache. My thighs are sore. I'm going to slow. That car almost hit me. I want to stop.
And it has only been half a mile.
So I kept running. Obsessing over all the terrible things I plan on saying about it in my next blog entry. Criticizing the 63 year old wearing green swishy shorts who just passed me, effortlessly. I consider slowing down to ease the pain. But the slower I go the more sensitive I am to the pounding sensation I feel in my body each time I put one foot in front of the other.
I think I'll have someone body slam me continuously. This might be a better work our then running.
And it would be more enjoyable.
The slower you run, the longer you have to be doing it. So I decided to not slow down. I pick up the pace. I push through. Then the runs over. Thirty three minutes later. That time sucks. Really, really sucks.
I hate to run.
There are good times and there are bad times. I admire you for sticking with it. I hope all feels better before your next long run.