Sunday, September 26, 2010

blacksmith fork canyon

later on that same saturday i went on a bike ride.  i did one of my very favorite rides of all time.  i left from my home on canyon road then went north into nibley.  from main street i took a left onto hollow road.  this connects you to blacksmith fork canyon road.  at this point you are at mile nine.  then you continue up the canyon for 14 miles.  it is a rolling canyon with a steady climb to the top.  this was the most beautiful ride i have ever been on to date.  it was absolutely breathtaking.  i adore this time of year.

this is the same canyon i ran down when i did the top of utah marathon.  i experienced major flash backs to sheer pain and misery.  oh how i love my bike.

the only bummer about this ride is the terrible head winds on the way back down.  i would have rather been climbing up the canyon instead of going down.  gross.

mother, if your out there, i hope his post inspires you to come up for one last good fifty miler for the year. 


  1. Are these really pictures you took? On your bike ride? If so, I WILL be up there before the snow flies for that 50-miler. Holy cow!

  2. Spectacular! Can you believe the colors.
