Sunday, September 26, 2010

halloween half

my cousin lyndsey and i are running "the halloween half" in provo.  the last time i focused on running was when i was training for the top of utah marathon.  it was horrible.  and since then i have discovered biking which is far better.  but something about this challenge hooked me. so here i am, lacing up the ol' nikes.  here is my training plan.

september 26                 october 3           october 10
    monday: 4                    monday: 3           monday:4
    tuesday: rest                tuesday: rest       tuesday:rest
    wednesday: 5                 wednesday: 5        wednesday:5
    thursday: 3                  Thursday: 3         thursday:4
    friday: rest                 Friday: rest        friday:rest
    saturday: 8                  saturday: 10        saturday:11
    sunday: rest                 sunday: rest        sunday:rest

october 17                  october 24          
    monday: 4                   monday: rest
    tuesday: rest               tuesday: 4
    wednesday: 6                wednesday: rest
    thursday: 4                 thursday: 5
    friday: rest                friday: rest
    saturday: 7                 saturday: RACE DAY
    Sunday: rest         


  1. Holy smokes--that is one rigorous training schedule!! Eight miles on your first weekend. Wow-a-zer. I have three words for you: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. One more: sleep.

  2. I love that you posted the training schedule. It will be so fun for you and Lyndsey to do this race and so good for Lyndsey - you are already so very active. I wish you much success. After the marathon you did, I thought you would never run again, especially because you love cycling so much, so I admire your determination. Press on.
