Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Mondays run: 5.5 miles in 57 minutes

The weather was still nice enough last monday to run outside.  I did my usual 5.5 mile route, the one along canyon road.  This run was different then all the others because my roommate let me borrow her ipod shuffle.  I realized how helpful it is to have music.  I have a horrible history of losing ipod shuffles.  In fact, I recently lost my fourth in a tragic washing machine murder mystery.  I still can't figure out who wouldn't check there pockets before doing laundry...But despite my bad track record I decided to reinvest in a ipod shuffle.  

This was the first ipod shuffle I ever owned.  It lasted me a good month before I lost it. They are so little.

Then my mother let me borrow her shuffle in the mean time.  Unfortunately this one died the same way my last one did...washing machine victim.

This one was given to me as a gift.  It even had my name inscribed on the back.  I still have no idea where this one is.  Most likely in the Bailey Black Hole.

And here we are, at my most recently lost ipod shuffle.  My mother gave me this for Christmas.  Unfortunately I didn't get to use it, because right off the bat I lost the computer hook up.  But who can blame me?  It is the worlds tiniest chord ever.  I replaced the chord, then found the original one about a week later.  Which wasn't too big of a bummer.  I can always use back ups.  This one, as I stated above, showed up in the bottom of a very wet washing machine.  I still don't have the heart to throw it away.

Which brings me to my latest investment.  This ipod shuffle.   

Please don't leave me.


  1. Very sad story. . . but hopefully with a happy ending. NO WASHING iPODS!!

  2. Make a cute sign and put it next to the start button on your washer that will remind you to check pockets. I did this back in the day of the "pager" and after losing three to the washing machine it helped having the sticker. Although, I got lazy and just recently washed Cecil's phone. He should check his pockets ha ha

  3. Good luck to you and your new iPod. Maybe if you quit listening to dirty songs you would quit feeling the need to wash the iPod.

  4. The sign is such a good tip...however I have to go from one random washing machine to another as a college student. But in the future I'm gonna do it. As for

  5. I can tell you are a musician. A computer CORD is not the same as a musical CHORD. But I love your post. Your tragic life is most entertaining to me.
